Mission Fitness – cross training

Strength (5 Rounds for weight)

15 Minutes:
3 Power Snatch x 5 Sets
@70% of 1RM Snatch
*rest 60 seconds between sets*


For Time:
12 Burpee to Plate (45/35)
24 Pullups
12 Burpee to Plate (45/35)
18 Chest To Bar Pullups
12 Burpee to Plate (45/35)
12 Bar Muscle Ups or Ring Muscle Ups
12 Burpee to Plate (25/15)
24 Ring Rows
12 Burpee to Plate (25/15)
20 Ring Rows
12 Burpee to Plate (25/15)
18 Ring Rows
1 min Seal Pose
1 min Bicep stretch on wall
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)