Mission Fitness – cross training

Metcon (Calories)

Cardio Conditioning

6 rounds

20 seconds on 40 sec off

Ski max cals

Rower max cals

***3 times on the ski and 3 times on the rower (6 minutes total)

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

10 DB Box step ups (Rx+ 24/20, 50/40; Rx 24/20, 45/35; Scaled 20/14, 35/25)

8 Power Snatches (Rx+ 135/95; Rx 115/75; Scaled 95/65)

***at 8:00 mins***

2 rounds

12 DB box step ups (Rx+ 24/20, 50/40; Rx 24/20, 45/35; Scaled 20/14, 35/25)

12 Power Snatches 8 Power Snatches (Rx+ 95/75; Rx 75/55; Scaled 65/35)