
Next Saturday, the 18th the gym will be closed due to the construction across the street. They will be shutting down the water from Friday evening at 7 PM until Saturday evening 7 PM. The street will be closed or social so thal

Mission Fitness – cross training

Skill Work (No Measure)

12 minutes to work on jump rope skills
-double unders

Partner Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Min AMRAP
Partner A: 300/200 meter Row
Partner B: Heavy DB Hold while A is rowing(70/60)(60/50)(50/40)
Partner B: 300/200 meter Row
Partner A: Heavy DB Hold while A is rowing(70/60)(60/50)(50/40)
Partner A and B split 80 crossovers, 100 Dus, 200 Singles
***That equals 1 round. You will keep going for 20 mins.