
Next Saturday, the 18th the gym will be closed due to the construction across the street. They will be shutting down the water from Friday evening at 7 PM until Saturday evening 7 PM. The street will be closed or social so thal

Mission Fitness – cross training


6 Rounds(A,B,C = 3 rounds)

WOD A (0-5:00 mins)

400 meter row

6 double dumbbell devil press(50/40)(40/35)(30/20)

10 toes to bar or 12 knees to chest

(rest remaining time in 5mins)


WOD B (5:00 – 10:00)

400 meter ski

6 double dumbbell devil press(50/40)(40/35)(30/20)

10 toes to bar or 12 knees to chest

(rest remaining time in 5mins)


20/16 calories bike

6 double dumbbell devil press(50/40)(40/35)(30/20)

10 toes to bar or 12 knees to chest

(rest remaining time in 5mins)

**you will do A,B,C then A,B,C again to equal 6 rounds