Mission Fitness – cross training

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

26 min AMRAP

Teams of 2

(0-12 Minutes)

10/8 cals row

75ft Front Rack KBs Carry(53s/44s)(44s/35s)(35s/25s)

10/8 cal ski

75ft Front Rack KBs Carry(53s/44s)(44s/35s)(35s/25s)

Partner A does one full round then Partner B goes. (full round is row/Carry/Ski/Carry)

-Rest 2 minutes-


(14-26 Minutes)

10/8 cals row

75ft Sandbag Front Rack Carry(100/75)(75/50)

10/8 cal ski

75ft Sandbag Front Rack Carry(100/75)(75/50)

Partner A does one full round then Partner B goes. (full round is row/Carry/Ski/Carry)


Accumulate 3 minutes of a regular plank or weighted.

***everytime you break 150ft shuttle run