Mission Fitness – cross training

Strength (Weight)


15 Mins to work on

10 @ 55%

-rest 3 mins-

8 @ 60%

-rest 2 mins

6 @ 65%

****Focusing on good setup, positioning, and fast pulls. Looking for speed with no

punching the bar off the ground.

Metcon (Time)


40 Wallballs

30 Kipping Pull ups

30 Wall Balls

20 Chest to Bar pullups

20 Wall Balls

10 Bar/Ring Muscle Ups


40 Wallballs

30 Kipping Pull ups

30 Wall Balls

20 Chest to Bar pullups

20 Wall Balls

10 Strict Pullups


40 Wallballs

30 Ring Rows/Australian Pullups

30 Wall Balls

20 Ring Rows/Australian Pullups

20 Wall Balls

10 Ring Rows/Australian Pullups