Mission Fitness – cross training

Oly Complex Work (6 Rounds for weight)

Oly Clean Complex

Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds

1-Clean Pull

1- Hang Clean

1- Jerk (can be split or regular)

**goal is to focus on power pulls and explosive quickness getting under the bar

Start around 65% of your 1rm hang clean

Workout (15 Rounds for time)


15 Minute Time Cap

RX+ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Hang clean (155/115)

Strict Pull Ups

RX 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Hang clean (135/115)

Kipping Pull Ups



Hang Clean (95/75)

Ring Rows (add 1 to each rep example 1 hang clean 2 ring rows, 2 hang cleans 3 Ring Rows)