Mission Fitness – cross training

Strict Press (6 sets x 3 reps @ 80 %
2 min Rest

Seated DB Strict Press (Weight)

2 sets x 15 reps (light weight)

1:30 Rest
all sets of barbell strict press should be completed before moving onto the Dumbbells

treat this as body building, meaning really try to connect with your muscles to move the weight. don’t just go through the motions think about and feel the motions.

Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Time Cap 16 min


4 Rounds For Time:

25/20 Calorie Row or Bike

75 ft KB Suitcase Carry (70 / 53 lb)


4 Rounds For Time:

25/20 Calorie Row or Bike

75 ft KB Suitcase Carry (53 / 44 lb)

*suitcase carry = one kb held on one side, alternate arms each round